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Green Roofs with KÖSTER TPO roofing membranes

Green Roofs with KÖSTER TPO Roofing Membranes Green roofs not only add visual appeal to an often dreary roof design but also provide many tangible benefits for buildings and the environment.

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Sustainable Building with KÖSTER TPO Roofing Membranes

Stuttgart, 03.02.2016:

During the Dach + Holz Exhibition in Stuttgart, the KÖSTER BAUCHEMIE AG was recognized by the IBU as a sustainable partner in construction for its roofing membranes.

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14 years later - and KÖSTER TPO is still good as new

The excellent long term durability of KÖSTER TPO Membranes could be proven through a performance test after 14 years of weather exposure.

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Do you know...?


Waterproofing membrane for drinking water containers. KÖSTER TPO Aqua complies with hygienic requirements for potable water surroundings according to the German DVGW Worksheet W 270 and the KTW guideline. The TPO based membrane is highly tear resistant and provides very high flexibility, so that even large cracks are securely bridged. The membrane is installed by mechanical fastening, requiring little or no substrate preparation. Overlaps are connected by hot air welding. CE Mark according to EN 13967. Fields of application: Drinking water reservoirs, tanks, water retention structures, fish ponds, etc.



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